Do you like the holidays? Well, I have a thing just For the holiday season Chicago and other cities around Illinois and Wisconsin, host a German European christmas market to get you in the festive holiday mood called the christkindl market. This market was a tradition that originated in Europe, Germany started in 1916, It has become popular in Illinois and Wisconsin. The market is located in town squares and tourist attractions.
Khrist kind refers to angles like spirate. The market is most commonly known for their large nativity scene. The market is in Chicago at 50 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60602 from november 9 to december 24 sunday 11am to 8pm and friday to saturday from 11am to 10pm. The market stands include varieties for hot and cold food, hot drinks, beer and gift shops .
With the holidays now here I have decided to talk about Christmas activities in Chicago and Dekalb considering its just around the corner. Although Dekalb is a small town it does have some amazing and fun activities to do for example, meet Santa's helper in the dekalb public library on December 18th. Or perhaps meet Santa and watch the Christmas light through out Lincoln highway starting at 6 pm on December 18th. Santa will also be riding around with the route he will stop at the Egyptian movie theater for pictures this event will include hot chocolate for anyone who comes by. Santas hours and dates are from 11am- 1pm all through out until December 18th. With that being said if your feeling to go out of town to celebrate Christmas you can go to Millennium park 201 E Randolph st in Chicago Illinois there is 3 main activities you can participate there for example, looking at the huge Christmas tree, going ice skating with a loved one or friends last but not least looking at the amazing bean. If you are in the mood for a photoshoot I recommend going to the Amaze light festival 9850 Balmoral avenue Rosemont Illinois. There is a small fee for individual, for kids 2-12 its 13$ for teens 13-18 its 18$ and 18 and up its 23$ If you are interested on any of these activities you could visit these websites for more details. Ice skating Amaze light festival Christmas treeDi De Los Murrow is an special holiday that brings family together to honor our lost ones . There are traditions like writing your name on the back of a sugar skull to honor return of the dead.the movie coco shows the importance pf family and lost ones . we celebrate by having a alter in order to have the dead come back you need a altar with deep objects and candles to light the way for the dead .
9/11 has a lot of pain in suffering . It has a lot of tragic losses and stories. 9/11 hit hard for families that had the first responders that passed trying to save lives in the terror filled city. The day of the terrier put some people disabled and suffering from their rest of their life. Citizens and first responders who witnessed the terror on the streets nand suffer from PTSD.